中学「English Day」でレシテーションコンテストが行われました。 2023年11月26日
11月13日(月)、中学校が1日英語であふれるEnglish Dayが開催されました。この日は先生と、また生徒同士で英語を使うことが奨励されるほか、朝礼や休み時間にはネイティブ教員が昔のラジオ番組のような英語アナウンスを行います。
English Dayのクライマックスは、各クラス予選を勝ち抜いた生徒による、英語レシテーション(暗唱)コンテストです。今年は題材がほぼ一新されました。それぞれ、話のなかに生き方のヒントがあるようにとネイティブ教員が選び抜いたものです。どの生徒たちも、題材の内容をよく理解し「自分の言葉」として伝えることができており、同じ題材の発表でも、それぞれの個性がきちんと表れていたのが印象的でした。聞いている生徒も拍手や声援で会を盛り上げ、誰にとっても楽しい時間となりました。
今回のEnglish Dayを担当したキンブル教諭のコメントをご紹介します。
English day is an annual event whose goal is to celebrate the students’ efforts toward English acquisition. In addition to being encouraged to practice English with their teachers, students also have the opportunity to listen to announcements in English that mimic radio programs of old. This year, the event was held on November 13th and culminated, as it has in previous years, with the junior high school recitation contest. The contest was somewhat renewed this year in terms of recitation choices, as all new sources for the recitations were chosen. The recitation choices were selected with two goals in mind: to give students a great opportunity to practice level appropriate English and to teach a valuable life lesson. The recitations themselves were extremely interesting as all students were able to take the words of others and completely make them their own. They all understood that how you say something is as important as what you are saying with regard to delivering meaning. In this respect, each recitation was unique to each speaker. Along with the great recitations, the audience participation and relatively high production value of the contest itself made for a very entertaining experience for all, and hopefully, students will be encouraged to continue their English studies, as proficiency in English can lead to many valuable opportunities in the future.