7/3(土)英語授業体験会のお知らせ(オンライン) 2021年06月27日
7/3(土) 『英語授業体験会』(オンライン開催)
クラス 上級クラス(英検準2級レベル) 中級クラス(英検3級〜4級レベル)
時間 日本時間 13:30~13:50、14:30~14:50 の各クラス2回
人数 各クラス10名限定
中級(Intermediate):『Olympics in English(英語で学ぶオリンピック)』
In this lesson we are going to take a glimpse of the world of Aesop’s Fables. In Western culture, the influence of fables, particularly those of Aesop, permeate in everyday speech. Everything from “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch” to “Out of the frying pan and into the fire” can be traced to the wisdom of his fables. Given they are generally relatively short and very entertaining, fables make excellent resources for improving not only literacy skills, but learning about society, class, relationships, emotions, values, vices, and good and evil. Let’s take this time to see what defines a fable and start thinking more deeply about the stories we read.
今回の授業では、イソップ寓話の世界をのぞいてみましょう。西洋文化では、寓話、特にイソップの寓話の影響が日常会話に浸透しています。「Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.(日本語でいう、とらぬたぬきの皮算用)」や「out of the frying pan and into the fire(一難去ってまた一難)」などは、イソップ寓話に由来しています。
As the Olympics are happening in Japan very soon, it is appropriate that we look at the history of the Olympics. Where did the event come from? When did they first occur? Why do we continue to hold this event today? And finally, what events do you like most? These are some of the questions we will try to answer as we look a little deeper into the history of the Olympics.